Silage roller @ Flint kaubandus
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Silage roller

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Technical information

Work surfaces 3000mm
Diameter 820 mm
Empty weight 1700kg
Additional weight (if the roll is filled) +1500kg
It is possible to increase the weight up to 200 kg
Hydraulic cylinder stroke volume 1125mm
Flat wheels on the sides
Transport lights
Three point confirmation

The working width of the silage roller is 3 meters and the diameter of the roller itself is 820 mm. These dimensions ensure a sufficiently large compression force in the silo and compress the raw mass with high quality. The roller drum works hydraulically in both directions. This solution provides access to any silo wall and compaction over the entire width of the silo. The wheels mounted on the sides gently roll on the surface of the wall, the metal structure of the special silage roller or the walls of the trench itself.
It is important to mention that the diameter of the silage rolls is no less than 1140 mm. These plates compact the silage and enable better forage compression.

Why is it better to compact silage with a roller?
Silage is obtained by fermenting chopped grass or corn mass. Most grass silage is produced from permanent and annual meadows. This process takes place in anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions, where sugar in plants is fermented into organic acids by microorganisms, the most important being lactic acid. An appropriate fermentation process and good silage must be available in order to justify: the correct moisture content of the mass to be preserved, a sufficient number of plants. However, the main criterion for good quality is the rapid creation of anaerobic conditions, complete compression of the cutting mass and compaction.

Silage roller - an excellent device for high-quality and dense compaction of green mass. The empty weight of the silage roller is 1700 kg and the water load is up to 3200 kg.

